Testimonial | Stephen
Stephen started working with Matt in June 2017. In one month he has dropped a stone in weight. For the first time in years he bought a new T shirt and got into a large and a Medium.
Testimonial | Sue Grimshaw
(Head of Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service, University Hospital of Morecambe Bay)
Staff have commented that your experience session made them feel really cared for and have inspired them to do more to take care of their own wellbeing. They found your session very informative, interesting and enjoyed taking part.”
Mr Magic Poles | The Nordic Walking Man. The chances are if you are a business person in the Lancashire area you know Matt Gibbs. Not many of you know that Matt used to be like you. Stressed, overworked and developing serious health issues through not looking after his own health and wellbeing. Read Matt's story and learn about the man of energy and enthusiasm himself.
Wondering how we can help your business or turn your life around? Check out the many services we offer and get in touch.
Whilst looking almost complete this website is still in development and you may want to contact us to discuss exactly what we do and how we can help you. Please feel free to get in touch and ask for a free Health MOT